5 Easy Steps to Install World of Warcraft Addons for Private Servers

5 Easy Steps to Install World of Warcraft Addons for Private Servers

Are you tired of playing World of Warcraft on private servers without any customizations? Do you want to enhance your gameplay experience with addons but don’t know where to start? Look no further! In this post, we will guide you through the process of installing addons for your private server World of Warcraft game in just 5 easy steps.

Step 1
First, you need to download the addon you want to install. You can find a wide variety of addons with advanced filters on the Felbite platform. Make sure to download the version that is compatible with your private server and the game’s current patch.
Step 2
Once you download an addon, extract the files from the downloaded archive to a folder on your computer. You can use the default Windows extract tool or get a free tool like 7-Zip or WinRar.
Sometimes the extracted folder will have a name like AddonName-master. Make sure to remove the -master part so the name of the folder will look like AddonName.
Step 3
Open the World of Warcraft game folder on your computer. The default location is “C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft”. Inside the game folder, navigate to the “Interface” folder and then to the “AddOns” folder.
Step 4
Copy the extracted files that you downloaded and paste them into the “AddOns” folder inside the World of Warcraft game folder.
Step 5
Launch the World of Warcraft game and log in to your private server. In the main character selection menu, click the “AddOns” menu that appeared on the bottom left part of your screen. Make sure that the addon you installed is enabled and the “Load out of date addons” box is checked. You should now be able to use the addon in your game.

And that’s it! You’re now ready to enjoy all the additional features and functionality that your new addon brings to the game. Remember to keep your addons up-to-date, as they may have bug fixes or new features added in future updates.

We hope this post has helped you learn how to install addons for World of Warcraft on private servers. Happy gaming!


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