Setting up a WeakAura can be overwhelming if you are using it for the first time. On this page you can find and clone ready-made WeakAuras from our community.

World of Warcraft custom server merging Retail & WoW Classic, relive the classic Vanilla WoW experience, without the grind. Valanior brings together the best of both worlds, offering a journey that’s as nostalgic as it is fresh.

Complete Feral Cat DPS suite for 3.3.5

Eclipse procs and cd timer

Affli lock by Vagoom

Demo Lock Bar by Vagoom

Rogue UI (ChromieCraft – Level 64 bracket)

ToxiUI – Skada Profile – 3.3.5 Skada by BKader

Global Raid Auras (Wotlk-warmane)

Priest WA Package – WOTLK 3.3.5

Death Knight WA Package – WOTLK 3.3.5

Rogue WA Package – WOTLK 3.3.5

Warlock WA Package – WOTLK 3.3.5

Paladin WA Package – WOTLK 3.3.5

Shaman WA Package – WOTLK 3.3.5

World of Warcraft custom server merging Retail & WoW Classic, relive the classic Vanilla WoW experience, without the grind. Valanior brings together the best of both worlds, offering a journey that’s as nostalgic as it is fresh.

Hunter WA Package – WOTLK 3.3.5

Mage WA Package – WOTLK 3.3.5

Warrior WA Package – WOTLK 3.3.5

Druid WA Package – WOTLK 3.3.5

NaowhUI – Skada Profile – 3.3.5 Skada by BKader

Weakaura for WOTLK 3.3.5

Twin Emperors teleport for Chromiecraft

WotLK Naowh’s UI – Warlock

WotLK Naowh’s UI – Shared WAs

Portal Sales by RoyalT

Healer Mana

World of Warcraft custom server merging Retail & WoW Classic, relive the classic Vanilla WoW experience, without the grind. Valanior brings together the best of both worlds, offering a journey that’s as nostalgic as it is fresh.
Import World of Warcraft WeakAuras
WeakAuras is a popular World of Warcraft addon that allows players to create customizable graphics that display important information on their screen. With WeakAuras, players can create auras that track the duration of spells and abilities, display the current health of their character or target, and much more.
One of the key features of WeakAuras is its flexibility and versatility. Players can create auras with a wide range of customization options, including different colors, sizes, and shapes. Additionally, WeakAuras allows players to create complex conditions and triggers for their auras, so they can be displayed only when certain conditions are met. This makes WeakAuras a powerful tool for enhancing gameplay and providing players with important information at a glance.
Despite its many benefits, WeakAuras does have some limitations. It can be difficult for new players to learn how to use the addon, and the process of creating and customizing auras can be time-consuming. This is where Felbite comes into play!
Felbite and its community will help you get a headstart with your WeakAuras installation by providing you with pre-built auras. Go ahead and start exploring the listed WeakAuras or use our advanced filtering system to quickly find the best-looking UI profile for you. We are currently supporting the private servers version of the WeakAuras addon.