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Totemus is mod to help the Shaman manage the totems, buffs, potions, drink/food and messages.

It provides a variety of buttons for common spells in an easy-to-use, small, convinient package.

The idea was adapted from Venantes and Necrosis LdC to make it usable by shamans.

Totemus will provide you a sphere and 10 buttons. The sphere will display information and the outer buttons will provide quick access for several things.


Left click/Right click to activate a configured action
You can put the Totemus Sphere wherever you want
Detach the buttons from the sphere and move them whereever you like.
Show or remove any of the visible buttons
Rotate the buttons around the sphere to fit your settings
Sphere Circle – selectable

Current Mana
Current Health
Current XP
Sphere Text – selectable

Current Mana
Current Health
Drink/Food Count
Reincarnation CD
Shield Count
Reincarnation CD / Shield Count

Air Menu
Earth Menu
Fire Menu
Water Menu
Weapon Buff Menu
2 Action buttons
Left click/Right click to activate a configured action
Mount Button
Right click to use Astral Recall (or hearthstone)
Potion Button
Left click: Health Potion
Right click: Mana Potion
Drink/Food Button
Left click: Drink
Right click: Food
Random chat messages

available for Ancestral Spirit and mounting.
configurable to a short, raid-ready version (disables ancestral spirit/mount messages)

One frame for each totem element provide you how many time the totem will stay yet, and how many units are buffed by it.