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Auracle provides compact & customizable filtering, monitoring and grouping of buffs and debuffs.

Auracle’s capabilities are organized roughly into “trackers”, “windows” and “styles”.

The most important of these is the “tracker”, each of which can monitor a list of multiple auras (either buffs or debuffs, but not both at the same time). When any of those (de)buffs are found, the tracker lights up (or changes visually in any number of other interesting and configurable ways).

A “window” is just a collection of trackers that all watch the same unit. On a fresh installation, Auracle provides one window that watches “target”, so any trackers in that window will activate according to the (de)buffs on your current target. You can create as many windows as you want, and each one can watch any unit you want (player, pet, focus, etc).

The visual aspects of windows and trackers are controlled by “styles”. There is always a “Default” style (one each for windows and trackers), and you can create as many additional styles as you want.