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This is a special addon, it has no interface, but it can speak. It is SOUND ALERT addon leads you to become GLADIATOR, so having the name GladiatorlosSA.

This addon will alert spells using customized voice. For example, when you are in BG or arena, an enemy uses his pvp trinket, a voice of “Trinket” will come out. It can alert many spells(100+), each spell can be selected on or off. The voice sets made by TTS(text-to-speech) is Neospeech US English female Julie. The default voice changes by your locale.

Slash Command
Type /gsa or /gladiatorlossa to config. you can select voice set, enable area and which ability to alert

Special Features

Alert invisible abilities such as mage’s cold snap, rogue’s preparation, hunter’s readiness, and all interrupt spells.
In arena it can alert the class name when the enemy use pvp trinket.(default is off, and just alert “trinket”)
Alert big heal for all the four healers’ most powerful healing abilities(eg Divine Light, Healing Touch).
Alert drinking, resurrection, reviving pet and summon demons.
Be silent when the buff isn’t at or the spell isn’t used by your target or focus.(default is off)
Alert when friendly interrupt successfully.
Add your own sound file and alert easily.
Gender detection ( with proper Voice Pack set )
Why I can’t hear any sound of the addon?

Make sure your sound effect is open and your sound volume isn’t very low.

Check if you have disabled your current area in the “enable area” options, check if you have disabled the spells you just want to hear.
I want to hear the addon voice only, with no other game sound, can I?

Yes, you can! Just turn down the volume of game sound -> sound effect, music and ambience, But NOT the master volume. Now the new beta version of GSA use the master sound channel.
How to change the addon volume with the game sound volume unchanged?

Addon volume is based on the game volume by default but can be set to other output : Master / SFX(discution) / Ambience or Music and then change the volume in the main Wow menu

The alternate way is to change the volume of sound files by yourself using for exemple a software called “Audacity”.
How to add my own voice file and alert?

Add your own file eg. myspell.mp3 (must be .mp3 or .ogg here) in the file folder /Interface/AddOnss/GladiatorlosSA/Voice_Custom.(by default, but you can also use any other one under your wow root)

Type /gsa to show the config, then select “Custom”, add and config your sound alerts here.
Note that : Instant spell don’t have a SPELL_CAST_START just a SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS
How to make my own voice set?

If you want a voice set other than English/Russian/French/Chinese/Korean, try to make your voice files with the same names as the files in the folder “Voice_enUS”, then copy and overwrite the original files. Select “English (female)” in game, then your own voice set works.

If your voice set is very good, and you want to share it with others, just email me and add your voice files as attachment or send me a PM.