

41.5K Downloads - 88.3K Views

This ElvUI will work only on private servers! For the retail version, please click here!

ElvUI is a full UI replacement. It completely replaces the default Blizzard UI at every level with a new and better interface. As such, you’ll only ever have to update ElvUI and not worry too much about its individual components. This UI will arrange your interface to be more flexible and practical.

In-Game Commands

/elvui – Opens the Configuration GUI

/reloadui – Reloads your whole UI


Wrath of the Lich King:
ElvUI Enhanced – Download Here
ElvUI Addon Skins – Download Here

Mists of Pandaria:
ElvUI Enhanced – Download Here
ElvUI Addon Skins – Download Here
ElvUI Enchanced Friends List – Download Here
ElvUi Microbar Enchancement – Download Here