Private Server Addons
Upgrade and improve your game experience with our extensive addons library for the various World of Warcraft private servers.

World of Warcraft custom server merging Retail & WoW Classic, relive the classic Vanilla WoW experience, without the grind. Valanior brings together the best of both worlds, offering a journey that’s as nostalgic as it is fresh.

Quickly and easily judge a player's level of Gear.
122.4K Downloads • 171.8K Views

Alerts you when a Boss begins to cast certain spells or use certain skills.
118.4K Downloads • 164.5K Views

Shows the possible loot from the bosses.
114.2K Downloads • 166.1K Views

Single window displays for your inventory, bank, and keys.
112.4K Downloads • 155.5K Views

A powerful, comprehensive utility for displaying graphics and information based on triggers.
108.8K Downloads • 178.4K Views

Cooldown count for everything.
92.8K Downloads • 141.1K Views

Calculates an optimal route for you to follow while questing.
81.3K Downloads • 134.0K Views

Addon that makes it easy and fast to buy, sell and manage auctions.
73.7K Downloads • 108.7K Views

Changes your damage font to something more festive.
54.1K Downloads • 88.2K Views

Bartender4 is a full ActionBar replacement mod.
49.6K Downloads • 84.4K Views

Raid/Party Paladin buffs.
42.7K Downloads • 77.9K Views

Postal provides an enchanced mailbox support.
42.7K Downloads • 62.8K Views

Quartz is a modular approach to a casting bar addon.
42.4K Downloads • 73.2K Views

World of Warcraft custom server merging Retail & WoW Classic, relive the classic Vanilla WoW experience, without the grind. Valanior brings together the best of both worlds, offering a journey that’s as nostalgic as it is fresh.

It allows you to manage your addons in game.
40.1K Downloads • 63.1K Views

Pawn calculates scores for items and tells you which one is better for your spec.
40.0K Downloads • 68.0K Views

MoveAnything enables you to move, scale and hide screen elements.
34.8K Downloads • 58.4K Views

Adds a panel with skinable bars for healing, decursive and more.
33.9K Downloads • 56.7K Views

Map replacement that includes the map and coordinates.
31.5K Downloads • 73.8K Views

Questie is a quest helper for The Burning Crusade.
30.8K Downloads • 50.1K Views

Gatherer, displays stuff you gather in your minimap and world map.
28.6K Downloads • 51.1K Views

Multi-purpose leveling guide and talents viewer.
20.1K Downloads • 44.5K Views

Scrolls battle information around the character model.
20.1K Downloads • 39.2K Views

Spice up ye olde minimap with some sexytime options.
19.9K Downloads • 36.7K Views

A lightweight, flexible, multi-target threat meter.
19.4K Downloads • 40.7K Views

World of Warcraft custom server merging Retail & WoW Classic, relive the classic Vanilla WoW experience, without the grind. Valanior brings together the best of both worlds, offering a journey that’s as nostalgic as it is fresh.
Download World of Warcraft Addons
Private server World of Warcraft addons are modifications that are created by players and used on private servers for the popular MMORPG World of Warcraft. These addons are not official and are not supported by the game’s developer, Blizzard Entertainment.
One of the most popular types of private server addons are the Quest Helper addons, which provides players with detailed information and guidance on how to complete quests in the game. This can be especially useful for players who are new to the game or who are struggling to complete certain quests. Another popular private server addons include UI mods, which change the appearance of the game’s user interface, and class mods, which provide players with additional abilities and features for their character class.
The addons are typically created using the Lua programming language and the game’s API, or application programming interface. This allows players to create custom scripts that can be run within the game to provide additional functionality. Some players also use third-party tools and frameworks to help them create and manage their private server addons.
Browsing for addons on our platform is extremely simplified. You can manually explore our pages or just use the advanced searching and filtering tools that will help you find the correct addons for the expansion you play on. Don’t forget that our registered members can bookmark their favorite addons and receive web notifications whenever an addon from their personal collection gets updated. Felbite also supports server-specific addons, which will be presented as an option whenever possible.